About ∙ Research ∙ IxDMusic ∙ CV

Frederic Otto Gmeiner

Haptic Communication Toolkit — Generating and sharing collective data stories through haptic notebook-style interactions.

Self-initiated design research

In my graduation thesis project I investigated how collaborative creative work can be facilitated through paper-based communication interfaces as a tangible alternative to screen-based tools.

The project’s main component is a toolkit comprising a digital pen and a pocket printer to allow users to collaboratively write a fictional story in a paper notebook by following a predefined game-like structure.

Additionally, the project explored how automated moderation and visualizations of real and imaginary data can inspire and influence the participant’s story writing. Throughout the research and design process, I applied various techniques and methods such as co-design, wizard-of-oz, role-playing, gamification, speculative design, physical computing, and video prototyping to study and explore such a system’s potential.

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︎︎ 2023